Window Perfs: A Complete Buying Guide

Perforated Window Films or window perfs offer lucrative promotional opportunities by converting glass doors and windows into a prime advertising space. Chances are that you have already seen them on vehicles or storefronts, and are typically applied outside the window.

It is imperative to understand window perfs in its entirety if you plan to buy window perfs in Houston Texas or anywhere else. Read along to gain insights!

Window Perf Vinyl: An Overview

Typically, vinyl material goes in the making of a window perf, which is often referred to as one-way vinyl. This one-way vision film is adhesive-backed PVC vinyl, which features perforated round and evenly spaced holes. The graphics can be printed on the film, wherein the evenly spaced holes and their appropriate size offer visibility from the inside.

These vinyl films are available in a variety of types that come with different visibility. The most common types available in the market are 50/50, 60/40, and 70/30. An ideal type for vehicle windows is a 50/50 ratio. The 50/50 implies that half of the film is vinyl and the other half is perforated.

Typically, the first number of different film types represents the printable area extent and the second number implies the total space of the see-through area. For instance, a 60/40 window perf film has a higher printable area for graphics but lower visibility space.

Does the vinyl film require lamination?

The importance of lamination can not be missed as it can improve the durability of vinyl and extends the life of perf films.

It also prevents the film from scratches while providing UV protection from the ink fade. Here's a suggestion: optically see-through clear laminate has a better edge over the regular laminate, which may result in some hazing. Further, lamination fills in tiny holes and keeps away rainwater, snow, ice, and dirt particles from entering them. So, to answer the question: yes, lamination is essential especially if you want to extend the film’s life by at least five years!

Popular vinyl films available in the market

Primarily, there are three popular brands for vinyl films: Clear focus one-way vision films, 3M’s Scotchcal IJ8171, and Avery’s MPI 2528.

One of the most popular films by Clear Focus One-Way Vision Films is 8 mils ClassicVue white/black composite PVC. It is pressure sensitive with a see-through ratio of 50/50. Likewise, a 4 mil cast vinyl window perf film by 3M’s Scotchcal comes with a 50/50 per cent perforation pattern.

Final Words

We hope this post helped you learn window perfs, their importance, and the popular films you can opt for. If you are hunting for a professional sign shop in Houston TX, contact Signarama Houston City.


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